
The Think-Tank Institute augments and provides an alternative to WEF (we like to call them the World Uneconomic Forum) and Davos

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How can an organizations with Economic in its name, and the Nature on its agenda promote and make forecasts about the growth of the biggest pyramid schemes of them all Cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrencies have absolutely no economic nor environmental foundations.

Based in a different but no less beautiful part of Switzerland as well as in Iceland. The Think Tank Institute explores ways to improve economies, the environment and human relations through communication at every level, including international relations. (Continue reading...)

Our institute is near the border of the Swiss cantons of Zug, Schwyz, Zurich, St Galen and Uri. In Iceland we are near the tip of the Snaefellsnes peninsula near the border of the Atlantic and Artic Oceans.

Apply for membership (use the form below) for you and your organization. Visit us for formal or informal stays. Bring your family, colleagues and friends. Our places are beyond belief. (Continue reading...)

The meeting of people who care about progress and the world is so important and should not be reserved just for the ultra rich and powerful at glamorous events like Davos.

Last year our messages reached 6 million people. We would like to up scale that. There are important topics that need more attentions:

Topics like stopping the new Hitler, enabling people to save, to give the next generation a future in terms of hope, affordable housing and a biodiversity, authorities that know what they are doing in the face of crises like COVID-19, governments that do not have a one track mindset. (Continue reading...)

We must learn something from world war II. One should make sure one keeps a Hitler like personality in check. Do not let world war III sneak up on you.

An alternative to the current monetary policy needs to be put in place. We can not let the rich get richer. If you are rich help us rather than fight us - you owe it to the world. The current economic and planning policies are robing the young from a decent future.

Never again the disastrous response to a COVID-19 like situation. Most countries did more damage than not in response to COVID-19. Way too many countries ignored the UN October 2020 recommendations not to do lockdowns. The price of these lockdowns, 500 million middle-glass brought into poverty, 100 million poor people brought into extreme poverty, 10 million plus extra girls to be sold, the increase in depression, alcoholism, drug use and violence are the costs of these extreme campaigns of fear.

Everyday we are loosing 50 to 150 species from the world's biodiversity. Our organization has professors and others that know what to do. We need governments to commit as much to fight this crises as they do towards defense. Grandiose announcements like protecting 30% of land and oceans does not do the trick. Governments need to set aside good land and land corridors and protect their own oceans and not just some distant or derelict areas.

The Photos are either from out place or pertaining to our causes such as biodiversity

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